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Managing Transition

Starting primary school can be a big change for children and their families. The link below may be useful for parents to help their child prepare for their transition into primary school. If your child is aged 2 or over, contact the school office to express an interest and we will be able to organise a tour of the school and talk through the process of applying for a place.


Early Years Transition

When your child starts in the Clee Hill Community Nursery or Reception Classes (known as Early Years), they will benefit from the opportunity to take part in a transition process to help them settle into school.



  • To increase children’s confidence and to familiarise themselves with their new setting and staff
  • Ensure children settle more quickly within their first few weeks of starting
  • Parents to share concerns/worries and get to know staff
  • Staff to become familiar with the children and their families, gather information such as children’s interests and abilities so that environment can reflect this from day one.

In the nursery setting, children are encouraged to look around the setting with their parents/ carers and meet the staff. Using class dojo, they can send photos of their child and update staff on their interests and hobbies. This provides staff with an initial idea of the children, their relationship with their parents and any other issues which can be prepared for early on.

The transition process into Reception is a six week transition where the children spend one afternoon a week in their new classroom with their new class teacher and TA, alongside staff from Nursery. The transition runs alongside a transition parent evening and an open afternoon where parents and carers can play alongside their child in their new setting. The Nursery children are used to the school setting as the eat their lunch in the hall with the school and have music and PE lessons in the main building. They also join the main school for some whole school events such as reading miles assemblies.

Transition between Classes ('Moving Up')

All staff get to know the children well due to the small size of the school. At the end of each year, the children spend a half day in their new classroom with their new class teacher and support staff. This is known as 'Moving Up Day'. If your child has any concerns or additional needs all staff are happy to meet and discuss what extra provision can be put in place to reassure them and provide a positive start in the next class. Some children may have additional transition opportunities, especially if they are pupils with additional needs.

Secondary Transition

Throughout the primary school, we have very close links with other schools in our Trust including Lacon Childe Secondary School. The Young Leaders Sports sessions are one example of the children attending events at the school and becoming used to the setting and routines. In addition, members of staff also run sessions at Clee Hill Community Academy such as STEM days where the class is taught by Lacon Childe School teachers. Pupils at CHCA are very familiar with the secondary school site and develop confidence from the regular visits.


In the summer term of Year 6 there is a clear transition programme in place to support pupils with their move to secondary school. At Clee Hill Community Academy, we follow a transition programme which focuses on developing resilience and building on their growth mindset skills called Be Awesome, Go Big. Below are the resources which we use including support for parents and pupils.

Transition from Year 6 to Year 7 for pupils

Transition information for parents

Transition information for teachers

Each local secondary school as a transition program which works closely with CHCA, Year 6 teachers meets with all secondary transition leaders and ensures a detailed handover is given for each child.  Transition days and open evenings for parents are made part of the transition process for Year 5 and Year 6 children.


Transitions into Nursery – support for parents

Starting or adjusting to new things at nursery can be hard for children. Before they start, or once they have started, you can:

  • Try gradually taking more time apart. Begin with being in another room so that your child feels less worried when they can’t see you.
  • Practise getting dressed and walking to nursery together.
  • Talk to your child about what they do at nursery. Ask them how they’re feeling about it. Reassure them if they feel worried.
  • Use books like Llama Llama Misses Mama, I’m Starting Nursery or Lulu Loves Nursery to help them understand any changes. Talk to your child about any new routines and make sure they know what to expect.
  • Use settling-in days to help your child to get used to new environments.
  • inourplace | Solihull Approach – Moving up

Transition into Reception – support for parents

Your child might feel worried about moving into the ‘big’ school. They can find the schedule makes them tired. Or they may be scared to go back after some time away.

Ask them how they’re feeling and listen to their worries. Reassure them that it’s OK to feel this way. It can help to:

Transition into new classes – support for parents

  • Share stories from your school days and the fun things you would do. Ask what they’re excited about.
  • Practise school-related activities or processes. Support them with anything they’re finding difficult.
  • When moving classes or going up a year, ask the school about transition days. These offer an opportunity to meet the teacher.
  • Talk to your child about changes in routine, such as PE days or new lunchtimes.
  • Practise school-related activities or processes. Support them with anything they’re finding difficult.
  • When moving classes or going up a year, ask the school about transition days. These offer an opportunity to meet the teacher.
  • Talk to your child about changes in routine, such as PE days or new lunchtimes.
  • If a residential trip is planned with the school, explore any worries your child has about sleeping away from home.

Transition into secondary school – support for parents

Secondary school can feel daunting for a lot of young people. While your child is at secondary school, they’ll going through a period of brain development and working out who they are. They may also feel under more academic pressure.

  • Talk with your child about what worries they have. Help them to problem-solve these where possible.
  • Help your child see what they can change and what they can’t. The worry tree activity or the circle of control are useful for this.
  • Let them try new things.
  • Talk to them about healthy relationships.
  • Classes are likely to be mixed up when GCSE years start. Talk to your child about talking to new people. Encourage them to interact with people have chosen the same subject interests as them.
  • If your child is studying for exams, think about how you can help them manage this.

The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families has a video about adjusting to secondary school. Charity Splitz has created a workbook to support children during this time (PDF).

Other website offer advice for supporting your child with anxious feelings. Or if your child is refusing to go to school, there are some things you can do.

School Readiness Leaflet

inourplace | Solihull Approach – Moving up

Useful Website for Parents


