01584 890384

Welcome to Class 3

Reading-Reading is a priority at Clee Hill School, and we will listen to your child read regularly. They will read individually, at least once a week and we teach Reading to the whole class every day. Additionally, we have story time to read and enjoy a book together. We read a wide variety of books: novels, non-fiction books and poetry books.

Please do not hesitate to send us a message on Class Dojo about any problems or worries your child may have.

  Useful websites:


Class 3 Curriculum

Class 3 Long Term Planning

Knowledge Organisers

Spring 2025

Spring term Mind Map

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: What is the trinity and why is it important to Christians?

Science Knowledge organiser: Animals including humans - Growth

Science Knowledge organiser: Rocks

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Where does our water come from?

History Knowledge Organiser: Stone Age to Iron Age

Useful information 

Miss Williams teaches Class 3 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings and Mrs Tudge teaches on Wednesday afternoons, Thursdays and Fridays.

Reading Homework- We expect the children to read at home at least 5 times a week. As you know, reading little and often is best to help the children practise their phonic skills and develop their reading stamina and fluency. When the children read five times a week at home, they will earn dojos and a ‘Spotted for Fantastic Reading’ token. Ten of these tokens can be swapped for prizes from Mrs Little.’. In addition, the children have weekly Reading comprehension homework.  This will be handed out on a Friday and needs to be handed back in by the following Thursday.  

Maths Homework- Homework is set on a Friday and needs to be handed back by the following Thursday. The children all have homework books where they will have their Maths homework. All children need to know their times tables. By the end of year 3, all children need to be confident with their 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4x and 8x tables. By the end of year 4, all children need to be secure with all their tables facts. Your child will be given a login for Times Tables Rockstars for them to use at home, we plan to use it in school on a Friday at the beginning of the school day too. Here’s a link to the website: https://ttrockstars.com  You could also have a look at this website to help with learning tables too:  www.timestables.co.uk  

Forest School-Forest school is on Wednesday afternoons. Children should come to school wearing their forest school clothes, old long-sleeved tops and jogging bottoms or tracksuit trousers. Remember that these clothes may get wet, muddy and torn!  Please make sure they bring extra layers for cold weather, waterproof layers for wet weather, and of course their wellies!



PE-PE will be on a Friday each week, but an extra session may be added in at any time, so please can all the children need to have their PE kit in school every day. Please refer to the Parents tab on the website under uniform for the full list of PE kit.




Summer 2025

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?

Science Knowledge organiser: Plants

Science Knowledge organiser: Living things and their habitats - Habitats around the world

Autumn 2025

History Knowledge Organiser: Local History

Geography Knowledge Organiser:  Local Study

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser:How do festivals and worship show what matters to Jewish people?

Science Knowledge organiser: Animals including humans - Life cycles

Science Knowledge organiser: Forces and Magnets

Spring 2026

Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Mindmap

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Climate Change

History Knowledge Organiser: Ancient Egyptian Beliefs

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: What do Christians learn from the creation story?

Science Knowledge organiser: Animals including Humans Yr 3

Science Knowledge organiser: Scientific Enquiry

Summer 2026

Summer 2024 Curriculum Mindmap

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Trade

History Knowledge Organiser: Exploring Benin's Big Pictures of the past

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: Why do people try and make the world a better place?

Science Knowledge organiser: Living things and their habitats

Science Knowledge organiser: Plants - Yr 2

Autumn 2026

Autumn Term mind map

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: What is it like for someone to follow God?

Science Knowledge organiser: Uses of everyday materials

Science Knowledge organiser: Light

History Knowledge organiser: Ludlow Castle

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Where do we live?