01584 890384


Governors have a vital role to play in ensuring our school provides the best possible education for our children.

They are responsible for:

  • Carrying forward the Trust's vision in a way that is appropriate to the specific qualities and community characteristics of the Academy
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the children
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the financial effectiveness of the school and ensuring fundsĀ are well spent
Governor Type Appointing Body Term of Office Declarations of Interest
Start date End date
Mark Beale - Chair Parent Parents 05.12.22 04.12.26 None
Mary Bland Community Directors 17.03.21 16.03.25 Family member on school improvement team at Lacon
Louise Britton Parent Parents 07.03.21 06.03.25 Subject Lead English and teacher at Lacon Childe School
Lindsay Durden Parent Parents 10.03.23 09.03.27 None
Andy Ellis - Vice-chair Community Directors 01.09.21 31.08.25 None
Jess Evans Staff Staff 11.02.21 10.02.25 None declared
Ceri Little - Headteacher Ex-officio Virtue of office 01.01.17 n/a NAHT-National Association of Headteachers
Donna Richardson Staff Staff 01.09.21 31.08.25 Staff member at CHCA. Governor at Highley Primary School
Kelly Williams-Whiting Parent Parents 10.03.23 09.03.27 None
Gemma Powell-Price Staff Staff 25.07.23 24.07.27 None
John Cartledge Community Directors 18.03.24 17.03.28 None
Ross Barnett Community Directors 20.05.24 19.05.28 Spouse teacher at Clee Hill. Member of GMICE and MAPM

Chair of Governors: Mark Beale 2024-25



Meeting attendance
Governor meeting attendance 2023-24
Governor meeting attendance 2022-23
Governor meeting attendance 2021-22

1 x parent

Former governors:
Joanne Yapp, Parent Governor, 01.03.22-01.02.23
Kris Perks, Community Governor, 01.09.21-01.03.23
Carla Everall, Parent Governor, 01.03.23-14.11.23
Richard Cook, Community Governor, 17.03.23-29.11.23
Hylton Smith, Community Governor, 17.03.21-30.11.23

Shropshire Gateway Educational Trust Governance informationĀ 

Ceri Little

Ceri Little


Carla Everall

Carla Everall

Parent Governor

Louise Britton

Louise Britton

Parent Governor

Mary Bland

Mary Bland

Community Governor

Donna Richardson

Donna Richardson

Staff Governor

Jessica Evans

Jessica Evans

Staff Governor

Andy Ellis

Andy Ellis

Community Governor

Lindsay Durden

Lindsay Durden

Kelly Williams Whiting

Kelly Williams Whiting

Mark Beale

Mark Beale