01584 890384

A is for Active reading

Book barrow

The Clee Hill Book Barrow is an outside library. Older pupils are responsible for bring the barrow outside at break and lunchtimes and pupils can choose reading as part of their relation time. It is very popular and often pupils of different ages share books together.

DEAR – Drop everything and read

Once a half term, the school celebrates reading as a whole school and this includes a DEAR day. The children are encouraged to bring into school (or borrow from the library/ classroom) a book of interest and during the school day a bell/ instrument/ special noise etc will indicate that it is time for everyone to drop everything and read. This is much more than a reading session – it encourages reading across the school – from assemblies to play time, from forest schools to science lessons. It also enables children to have an excitement about reading, opportunities to share books and see reading as part of every life.


A is for Active reading