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E is for Enjoying books together

Reading Buddies

The older students sometimes read to the younger ones, or the younger reads share their book with their reading buddy. The reading buddy system works well with both ages as it helps the older children to develop leadership skills whilst supporting the process of reading throughout the school.



Chatterbooks is our weekly Book Club run by Mrs Yarnold on a Thursday lunchtime. It is open to year 2 – 6 on a drop-in basis. The children have the choice to do an organised reading activity weekly or just read! There are opportunities to read with each other, read in a den or snuggle up with a blanket. Each week, three children are chosen to take home a special book buddy to read to.

Reading Together

Paired reading

Paired reading is a research-based fluency strategy used with readers who lack fluency. In this strategy, students read aloud to each other. When using partners, more fluent readers can be paired with less fluent readers, or children who read at the same level can be paired to reread a story they have already read. Paired reading can be used with any book, taking turns reading by sentence, paragraph, page or chapter.

Choral reading

Choral reading is when a student or group of students read a passage together, with or without a teacher. It helps to build fluency, self confident and motivation in reading.


Echo reading

Echo reading is a strategy which teachers use to help students match the spoken word with the printed work. To echo read, students are rereads (or echoing) an extract which you have read. When you echo read, student must point to the words as they read them back. As students become more familiar with echo reading, the length students repeat may be increased. At Clee Hill Community Academy, this strategy is often used with younger pupils who are beginning to grasp the concept of shared or guided reading.


E is for Enjoying books together