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E is for Every day stories

Daily Story time & Book talk

At Clee Hill Community Academy, we follow the Pie Corbett read aloud programme which fosters the love of reading with a daily story time. The Pie Corbett reading spine creates a bank of stories which are shared together throughout their years at Clee Hill

Indoor and Outdoor Reading

Our 'Tree House' library makes reading fun- relaxing in the tree house or underneath with blankets and cushions. Our friendly librarian can recommend great books or read to younger children - open every lunchtime.

And if you prefer to read alfresco - check out or book barrow which can be found in the reading realm.

Digital Reading

As part of the Purple Mash Computing Scheme, serial mash is a range of online stories which can be read on any device at home or at school. Features of serial mash include multiple choice quizzes, SPAG activities  and follow up written tasks after every chapter.

Open the Book Assembly

All our assemblies at Clee Hill Community Academy encourage the sharing of books, but our Open the Book assemblies on Tuesday afternoons really bring Christian stories to life. Ran by members of the local community, the children ‘act out’ Bible stories together and talk about key events in the stories.

E is for Every day stories