01584 890384


Our aim is to provide a friendly, inclusive and stimulating environment in which children feel safe, healthy & happy to learn. We provide learning opportunities and environments that encourage children to explore, make decisions ​and grow. Our topics and themes are carefully planned to capture the children’s interest and imaginations.

We are a Teacher led Nursery and have a wonderfully caring team of practitioners who are experienced and trained to nurture, care for and inspire every child in our care, therefore providing the best start and education for your little ones.

Nursery Brochure

For further information please click on the Nursery Brochure link below which contains much more details.  You are most welcome to come and visit for a look around and meet us all.

Our Curriculum

At Clee Hill Community Academy we aim to provide an exciting and engaging curriculum, starting from the Early Years, which will inspire children to nurture a passion for learning. We have designed our curriculum (both the Nursery and Reception) using Development Matters and the Statutory Framework as a foundation. Click here to find out more about our curriculum.

Nursery rhymes and songs

In nursery we sing as much as possible and have a selection of different traditional and new rhymes and songs.  We also enjoy children’s own choices and ‘made up’ songs and rhymes!   We use our nursery rhyme spoons to help prompt children if needed. The link below plays each of these Nursery Rhymes if parents and carers are unsure and also includes lots of other fabulous rhymes to share.


  • Wind the bobbin up 
  • The wheels on the bus  
  • Humpty Dumpty                                                           
  •  Hickory dickory dock
  • Row, row, row your boat                                                          
  • Miss Polly had a dolly
  • One, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive             
  • Twinkle twinkle little star
  • The Grand old duke of York                                                    
  • Old MacDonald had a farm
  • Incy wincy spider                                                                    
  • Baa baa black sheep
  • I'm a little teapot                                                                    
  • Jack and Jill went up the hill
  • Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet

Things to do at home to enhance learning 

There are lots of activities that can be done to enhance your child’s learning at home. Developing social skills, physical skills, and speaking and listening are important key areas we focus on.

Just being with you, talking, helping, sharing, interacting, reading and, importantly, playing will all help their development.

Try to make things fun, even the household chores, as they will be keen to help!

Useful websites

Below are some websites with different ideas on for you to enjoy with your child. Please note that some of the suggestions will not be possible at this point in time, but others can be done at home or in your garden. Have fun!


Nursery Curriculum

Nursery List of songs and rhymes


Nursery Charges and Funding

You may be entitled to Nursery funding such as 24U funding, tax free child care, 15 or 30 hours of free childcare. Please see below for more details. Funded hours are charged at £5.00 per hour.

Wrap around care and Nursery Booking Arrangements and Terms and Conditions

Applying for 24U

Applying for 30 hours

Funding and Fees - September 2024

Nursery and Wrap around Care Terms and Conditions

Starting at Clee Hill Community Academy Nursery

If you have looked around the Nursery and would like a place for your child, then you will need to complete some forms (see below) which indicates which hours you would like your child to attend. 

Admission Form

Privacy Notice

Parent Declaration Form

A useful guide to toilet training

Admissions Booklet