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Welcome to Class 5

When children enter class 5, we continue to develop their independence in preparation for secondary school. Children are expected to remember their homework and to have all their belongings required for the school day. As some new aspects of the curriculum can seem a little daunting at first, we encourage children to have a growth mindset and always have a go. Children know that mistakes are good as we learn from them. Please speak to Mrs Richardson or Mrs Sloan if you have any questions about anything to do with the curriculum or the school day.

Useful websites:




Useful websites:

Class 5 Curriculum

Class 5 Long Term Planning

Year 6 SATs - information leaflet for parents

Knowledge Organisers

Spring Term 2025

Spring Term Mindmap

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: Why is the Torah so important for Jewish people?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Earth and Space

Science Knowledge Organiser: Light

History Knowledge Organiser: History of the Olympics

Geography Knowledge Organiser: The Amazon

Useful information

PE: PE is on Monday and Friday afternoon. However, children always need to have their PE kit in as this can sometimes change.


All homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday.  In class 5, children are given CGP workbooks to work from. Children are expected to complete weekly homework in Maths, Reading and SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar).

Children in class 5 are also expected to know all their times tables up to 12 x 12 and recall them at speed. Games on the computer can help with this. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button (times table and number facts game) https://ttrockstars.com/ times tables rockstars (children have logins for this)


Alongside their weekly homework, class 5 are expected to read with an adult at least 5 times a week and have their reading record completed. Even for fluent readers in year 5 and 6, it is vital to maintain regular reading. Discussions with your child on the books they are reading is important to help their level of comprehension in what they have read. In class 5, we continue to work on being fluent readers, reading with expression and to understand the meaning of new vocabulary. Children also are expected to complete weekly reading activities about the book they are reading. A menu of ideas can be found in their reading records. We have recently bought a new range of exciting books within our class book corner and in the school library which we encourage children to get engaged in.

Forest schools: Forest schools will take place for class 5 in the summer term.


As children in class 5 are at the top of the school, we encourage them to be helpful around school, helping the younger children. Children are always expected to always demonstrate positive behaviour and try their best. Children can earn dojo points which they can add together and exchange for a reward.

Pencil cases

It would be useful if children in class 5 could bring their own pencil case into school to store their equipment. It would be even better if children had their own set of felt tips, pencil crayons and coloured pens too however all equipment is available for the children to use in school. 

SATs: Towards the end of year 6, children take their SATs. We spend a lot of time preparing the children for these and make sure they are fully prepared for them. We try to minimise the pressure as much as possible on the children. However, we also encourage all children to try the best, as we do in all aspects of school life.

Children will complete a reading comprehension assessment, maths assessments (including arithmetic) and SPaG. Their writing is assessed throughout the year from different pieces of writing. There are plenty of websites with help towards these and revision material can be purchased during the year to help. Further information on the SATs will be given to parents at the SATs meeting each year.

Useful information about SATs

The KS2 SATs are scheduled for Monday 13 May to Thursday 16 May.

  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • Paper 1: questions and Paper 2: spelling


  • English reading


  • Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic and Paper 2: reasoning


  • Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

What will happen at CHCA during SATs week?

SATS information for parents - the school run

Example SAT papers to look through - please do not share these with pupils as they may be used in mock tests

Moving to Secondary School

Transition information for year 6 students and parents

Knowledge Organisers for other terms

Summer Term 2025

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: Creation and science: conflicting or complementary?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Properties of materials

Science Knowledge Organiser: Looking after the environment

Autumn Term 2025

History Knowledge Organiser: Ancient Greece

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Mountains and Rivers

Science Knowledge Organiser: Animals including Humans

Science Knowledge Organiser: Forces

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser- What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain?

Spring Term 2026

Spring Term curriculum map

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Biomes

History Knowledge Organiser: Changes in Education since 1066

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser- How can following God bring freedom and justice?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Change of materials

Science Knowledge Organiser: Living things and their habitats - Yr 6

Summer Term 2026

Summer Term Curriculum Map

Exploring Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: What matters most to Humanists and Christians?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Living things and their habitats

Science Knowledge Organiser: Electricity

History Knowledge Organiser: The story of migration to Britain

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Amazing Americas

Profiles - Windrush Foundation

Autumn Term 2026

Autumn Term Mindmap

Religious Education- What does it mean if Christians believes in God?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Animals including Humans - Yr 5

Science Knowledge Organiser: Evolution and Inheritance

Geography Knowledge Organiser: York

History Knowledge Organiser: Viking