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Welcome to Class 4

As part of Class 4, in years 4 and 5, your child will continue their learning journey and work towards developing their independence and resilience. Working individually and as part of the class, they will be encouraged to use a growth mindset approach to their learning; understanding that mistakes are part of learning that help them improve.  


Children will have a reading book from the selection of books in class. They may also choose to have a library book. They are expected to read at least 5 times each week at home and this needs to be recorded in their reading diary please. Reading five times at home will earn a ‘Spotted being fantastic’. This might be reading out loud to you, reading out loud together, echoing you reading or sometimes reading silently. Pease record the book’s tile and page number they have read to and sign it. 

Discussing key events in the text, new vocabulary and characters’ reasons for their actions are some things that would support your child with developing their comprehension when reading. They could also practise summarising what they have been reading or giving reasons for their predictions about what could happen next.  

Above all, it is important that reading is an enjoyable experience and, at this age, it is often when children begin to read from a wider range of genres written by new and exciting authors alongside their favourites.  

At school, your child will read regularly to an adult or to the class as part of daily ‘Whole Class Reading’ sessions. They will be working towards reading with fluency using appropriate intonation and expression and will carry out daily activities linked to reading comprehension.  

Times Tables 

Times tables are key for the development of maths fluency and an important part of Class 4. Children are expected to know all times tables facts up to 12 x 12 and are tested on this at the end of year 4.  


All children have logins to Times Tables Rockstars ideally to use for 3 minutes a day. Playing games using ‘Studio’ will earn your child their rock star status and help complete their heatmap where they will be able to see their progress as they learn more facts and become more accurate. 


In addition to TTRs, we have in class times tables clubs for each times table or a mixture of times tables depending on where your child is with their times tables’ knowledge. Every week, children challenge themselves to answers 60 questions in 5 minutes. 

Children can also choose to come to Times tables Rockstars Club on a Friday lunchtime to practise their times tables. 

Learning and using these facts is part of the children’s daily maths activities but children may like to practise at home: 




All children in Class 4 have access to spelling shed.

Using this, they can carry out activities and enjoy playing games that will help them improve their knowledge of spelling patterns and common words.



Class 4 Curriculum

Class 4 Long Term Planning

Year 4 Multiplication Test - information for parents

Spring 2025

Class 4 Spring Term Planning

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: What was the impact of the Pentecost?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Earth and Space

Science Knowledge Organiser: Electricity

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Antarctica

History Knowledge Organiser: Walter Tull

French Knowledge Organiser: Spring 2025

Useful information

PE- Friday afternoons. Please leave PE kits in school so they are there everyday in case this should change


Homework in Class 4 is set weekly each Friday and is due in the following Thursday. It is usually: 

  • A reading comprehension activity from the CPG book, 
  • A workout from their English CPG workbook
  • A Times tables workout from the CPG book
  • Alongside their five reads each week. 

Homework not handed in on Thursday can be completed at Homework Club on Thursday lunchtime. 

We mark the homework together in class each week and look together at the next week’s reading comprehension text and questions; ‘zapping’ together key parts of the text that will help when answering the questions. Marking together means that we can discuss any misconceptions as a class. 

Answers to the homework are in the back of the books and can be used to help you support your child when completing their homework. Feel free to Dojo message if you have any questions though. 

For more help with English homework, have a look at: 


Knowledge Organisers 

Summer 2025

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: What do Hindus believe God is like?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Living things and their habitats - Yr 4

Science Knowledge Organiser: Properties of materials

Autumn 2025

Geography Knowledge Organiser - Energy 

History Knowledge Organiser: Chronology of the Law

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Animals including Humans - Yr 4

Science Knowledge Organiser: Forces

Spring 2025

Class 4 Spring Long Term Planning

Geography Knowledge Organiser: France

History Knowledge Organiser: The History of Numbers

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: Why do Christians call the day that Jesus died Good Friday?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Change of materials

Science Knowledge Organiser: Sound

Summer 2026

Class 4 Summer term Planning (mindmap)

History Knowledge Organiser: Blitz

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Weather and Climate

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: How and why do people mark the significant events of life?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Living things and their habitats - conservation

Science Knowledge Organiser: Living things and their habitats - Yr 5

Autumn 2026

Autumn Planning Overview

Spirituality Knowledge Organiser: What kind of world does Jesus want?

Science Knowledge Organiser: Animals including Humans - Yr 5

Science Knowledge Organiser: States of matter

French Knowledge Organiser

History Knowledge Organiser - Saxons

Geography Knowledge Organiser - a journey around the world