01584 890384

Welcome to Class 1

Within Class 1, we are supporting the children to become ‘school-ready’; developing their independence, confidence, resilience and curiosity. It’s an exciting time, for children and parents as they enter school life. The children will learn by doing things for themselves, by exploring and investigating, watching and listening, talking and discussing and creating and communicating. Much of our learning will be play based especially for the reception children.


The children will be learning to read through the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme (there is more information about this on the website). They will have daily sessions where they will be introduced to each sound/phoneme and they will be taught to blend these for reading. You will be made aware of the phonemes your child is learning and where they are within the scheme! Feel free to come in and ask for any further details. Children will be encouraged to read daily at home, and they will bring home reading books and have a reading record which we would like you to complete. Your child will also bring home a library book for shared enjoyment which will be changed weekly usually on a Friday.

How to help your child with reading.

Read read read…. Read to your child and encourage them to read to you. Read anything and everything, not just the reading scheme books. Real books, with pictures, rhyme and enjoyable stories are crucial here. Try to encourage your child to talk about the pictures, or to make predictions about what will happen next. It’s most important for your child to enjoy reading above all, so try to relax, and stop when either of you begins to feel pressured or anxious.

Home/School Diary

In class 1 we have home school diaries. I will send things home for your children to do or I may just make a comment on something your child has been working on that week. I encourage you to write in the books informing me about anything your child has done, said or any experiences they may have had. You may include photos and I encourage children to write or draw in them too. This book is a two-way communication, and it really helps if you have written in the book as it can be a starting point for conversations within school.


In Class 1, we have a different topic each half term which links many of our activities and learning.

  • Autumn 1 - All about me
  • Autumn 2 - Celebrations
  • Spring 1 - Amazing Animals
  • Spring 2 - What I want to be
  • Summer 1 - Plants
  • Summer 2 - Bear Hunt
  • Rhymes and Songs

Rhymes learnt in Reception

Here are some of the rhymes and songs which we learn in Reception. There is lots of research about the importance of repeating songs and rhymes to develop language skills.  Have a look at the links for the rhymes and songs below and practice them at home with your child - it's lots of fun and they are learning at the same time!

Nursery Rhymes and Songs - A to Z - BBC Teach

Reception Class

Reception baseline assessment: information for parents

Our Curriculum

List of songs and rhymes by half term

Autumn Term

Autumn Term Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term Summary of Key Text and Phonics

Autumn 1 Medium Term Planning

Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview

Autumn 2 Medium Term Planning


Spring Term

Spring 1 Curriculum Overview

Spring 1 Medium Term Planning

Spring 2 Curriculum Overview

Spring 2 Medium Term Planning


Summer Term

Summer 1 Curriculum Overview

Summer 1 curriculum Overview

Summer 2 Curriculum Overview

Summer 2 - A Bear Hunt

Environmental Checklist for Reception Class

Useful information:

In class 1 the children will need indoor shoes. We spend a lot of time on the floor in Class 1, so this helps to keep the carpet nice and clean.

PE: PE is on a Tuesday afternoon. (This may change but you will be informed).  

Forest schools: Forest schools is on a Friday morning.

Useful things for class 1 to know:

How to change for PE.

How to put on your own coat.

How to change your own shoes.

How to use a knife and fork.

Useful websites: