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Keeping in touch with you and building community - with Class Dojo

We use the Class Dojo App to communicate securely with parents about their children online. 

The app offers a Facebook style interface which manages the flow of frequent information from school to home.

Parents are sent a passcode which connects them to their child's account - we use Class Dojo from Nursery Class all the way through to Year 6.

It provides an easy way for you to join the conversation. It is secure and personal to our school and provides information in an easy to use format similar to Twitter and Facebook.


  • Digital Sticker points - we will only use as rewards across the school. Children can choose rewards when they reach a 50+ stickers.
  • Student Story - your child's learning can be recorded in their very own portfolio, not necessarily everyday but often enough that you have a flavour of what is being learnt in class.
  • Class Story - general class news and celebrations, reminders and updates.
  • School Story - news from across the school, on the day it happens, informing you about whole school events, sporting results and other whole school information and updates.
  • Pupil Portfolios - your child can share work with you through the app.

We use Class Dojo to keep in touch with you about school events, send reminders, send celebratory messages about learning and community activities.

Class Dojo also offers a messaging system so that parents can communicate with school staff.