School Ethos and Values
Our vision statement is ‘Dream, Believe, Work, Achieve’ which summarises our growth mindset approach to learning.
At Clee Hill Community Academy we aim to:
- Provide a happy environment that is caring, nurturing and supportive for all those who work in our school.
- Treat children as individuals and encourage them to realise their full potential.
- Provide a curriculum that enables children to acquire the knowledge and skills to fit them for adult life in accordance with national legislation.
- Show children how to live in a safe way and to develop good social skills and a tolerance of one another.
- Forge links with the wider community.
- Teach our children an awareness of their role in the wider world.
- Encourage an awareness of others through links with other faith communities, assemblies and special events.
What do our values mean to us at Clee Hill Community Academy?
This value is at the core of everything we do at Clee Hill Community Academy. It underpins learning through our behaviour and attitude towards people and the world around us. Our aim is for our whole school community to respect each other and the best way to teach respect is to show respect. When you experience respect, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how important it is.
We want our children to have an understanding of and respect for the rights, equality and diversity of all without discrimination. We believe it is important
to equip children with the skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to develop mutual understanding and respect, empathy, trust and honesty and acceptance. We want our children to become confident, fair and responsible individuals who make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. The theme of Equality also links with Diversity. At Clee Hill Community Academy we do not live in a diverse community, in terms of race and religion, so it is even more important that the children have opportunities to explore the faiths and cultures of others.
Being courageous can mean different things to different people. For example, one person may find it easy to speak in front of a large audience, whilst another would need to find lots of courage to do this. Everyone faces challenges from time to time, and we have to find courage to overcome them. At school we talk about the different challenges people might face, who or what helps us to find courage and share stories of people we admire because of the courage that they have shown.
‘Courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to overcome that fear.’
Compassion (or kindness) means being friendly, generous, and considerate – or treating everyone with fairness and respect. We might think of nice things to do and say but also it is important that when we act, we also show kindness. Compassion also means to show sympathy and concern for the misfortunes of others. It is so important to treat others how they would want to be treated. As adults we can all model kindness and compassion to others.
At Clee Hill Community Academy, we work in harmony with others, showing empathy by imagining how someone else might be feeling or thinking. By understanding another person; perspective or circumstance, whether you agree with this person or not, is an important skill to work collaboratively with others.
At Clee Hill Community Academy, individual strengths and talents are nurtured and celebrated and children believe in themselves and, through
strong friendships, each other. A growth mind set is encouraged, mistakes are seen as learning opportunities and confident, resilient learners grow. Children are successful learners who, through both independence and collaboration, can make progress and achieve to their full potential.
Click here to learn more about Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
At Clee Hill Community Academy, we know that pupils who have a positive attitude towards their learning will make good progress and be successful. Consequently, instilling all our pupils with 'growth mindsets' is an integral part of everyday learning at the school.
Key aspects of growth mindset at Clee Hill Community Academy:
- We celebrate making mistakes – we can learn from them;
- We never give up – perseverance is the key if we are to succeed;
- We learn from each other;
- We don’t compare ourselves with others;
- We challenge ourselves and take risks;
- We remember that our brains are making new connections and growing all the time.
We want all our pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes as part of the learning process, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others. This will help them to achieve, not only with us, but also in their future lives as adults.
For further information on how to encourage confident and resilient learners at home, have a look at some of the links below.