01584 890384

How do I apply for a place at Clee Hill Community Academy?

Parents who wish to visit school because they are considering applying for a place are always welcome to do so.  Appointments can be made by contacting the school office.

In Year Admissions

From 1st September 2024, Shropshire Council will be coordinating and allocating requests for places at our school. If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please complete the online application form via this link - Synergy Homepage.

Your application will be processed by the School Admissions Team at Shropshire Council in accordance with our published oversubscription criteria. You will then be notified via letter of the outcome of your application.

New starters - Reception pupils

To apply for a Reception place, please visit Synergy - Homepage (shropshire.gov.uk) and submit an application to Shropshire Council.  Please only use this link if you reside in Shropshire. If you live out of the area, you can apply for a place at our school, but this needs to be made to your home Local Authority. Email:  [email protected] 
Website: www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions

Admissions Parent's Guide Booklet

Transfers to secondary schools

At the beginning of Year 6 in September (the child’s last year at school), parents will receive a letter from Shropshire Council regarding secondary school applications.  Parents are required to complete applications online by October 31st and allocations of secondary school places are announced on the 1st of March annually.

Clee Hill Community Academy works closely with the local secondary schools to ensure a smooth and efficient transfer of pupils. Pupils are invited to taster days in Year 5 and Induction days in Year 6. As part of the Shropshire Gateway Educational Trust, pupils at Clee Hill Community Academy have strong links with the Lacon Childe School throughout their primary years.

Secondary school applications - https://next.shropshire.gov.uk/education-and-learning/school-admissions/apply-to-start-or-transfer-school/transferring-to-secondary-school/


If the application is still unsuccessful, parents will have the right to pursue their case through an Independent Appeals Panel which will be arranged by Shropshire Council. This procedure has been agreed with the Shropshire Local Authority, and is in accordance with the DfE Code of Practice on School Admissions Appeals. The form required for an Appeal can be obtained via the school. If the appeal for a Reception place is unsuccessful the applicant’s name will be kept on a waiting list until the end of the first term of the new academic year. If a vacancy then occurs but there are more than one applicant the place will be allocated in accordance with the admission criteria listed above.

Where parents wish to apply for a school place at a time other than prior to the child starting in Reception, please arrange to visit the school. You will be informed if there are any places available in the child’s year group but may wish to make application even if a year group is full. Your application will be considered by the head teacher and one from either the Senior Leadership Team or governing body. If offered a place then arrangements will be made for your child to start. If not, then parents should follow the appeals procedure set out in the above paragraph.

If the application is still unsuccessful, parents will have the right to pursue the case through an Independent Appeals Panel which will be arranged by Shropshire Council. This procedure has been agreed with the Shropshire Local Authority, and is in accordance with the DfE Code of Practice on School Admissions Appeals. The form required for an Appeal can be obtained via the school.

We recommend that you read Shropshire LA’s publication “Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire” available from the website www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions. Hard copies are available to view at libraries and at school. Please read carefully as it contains important information about making a preference for primary schools and the need to consider making more than one preference, in case we cannot meet your preference for this school.

For your information, we liaise closely with Shropshire LA, over the admissions process.

Parents are very welcome to view the school prior to their child’s admission.

Admission to Clee Hill Community Nursery

All children (regardless of race, gender, religious belief or affiliation, intellectual or physical ability, social or cultural background) will have equal access to places at our nurseries in line with the Shropshire Gateway Education Trust policies for access and equality.

Nursery Admission Policy

Children may apply for admission at any time following their second birthday.  Admissions will be processed and places allocated according to the date of the application and availability of sessions required.

Although many of our children will go on to attend the school that the nursery is attached to, attending our nursery will not necessarily guarantee a place in school.  Parents/carers should refer to the admissions policy for the main school. For further details, please refer to the Nursery section of this website.