Digital Leaders
Digital leaders is a computing club which focuses on developing the digital skills of the whole school. It is ran after school every Friday. Activities may include evaluating software, creating safety videos, supporting staff and pupils with their IT training, sharing expertise with friends or just enjoying time exploring IT. Our digital leaders have been involved in leading the school forward with evaluating curriculum packages, entering national competitions and organising whole school assemblies and events.
Who We Are
We’re the Digital Leaders. We’re a team of pupils (all ages) who share a love of technology and aim to develop Computing at Clee Hill Community Academy (CHCA).
Amelia Beth Evie Ollie
Orla Stan Lynk Xena
Our Aims
- To support classmates in computing lessons.
- To exploring new technology and feedback to staff and pupils
- To support staff by playing a leadership role Computing in the wider school – i.e. charging the laptops, supporting with IT in assemblies, IT problem solving etc
- To be technology role models.
- To represent our school in the IT community.
- To help make our school the leading school in computing.
What We Do
Every week we meet to discuss our latest projects and share ideas. We lead assemblies, organise competitions and visit classes to support staff and classmates. We never stop learning, because technology is always changing. Because of this, we are always looking for ways in which Computing can be even better at CHCA.
Each summer term we also organise applications and interviews for the next wave of Digital Leaders. Being a Digital Leader is a popular role, and so there is always great interest amongst the rest of the school! We have a very high profile, with important duties in assemblies and computing lessons, and everybody wants to be part of our important group.
If you are interested in becoming a digital leader or would like to read our code of conduct , please click here
Online Safety
Find out how to stay safe online by visiting our Online Safety page. You’ll get access to lots of useful websites and resources for both parents and children.
Every year, the digital leaders run a whole school assembly as part of Internet Safety Week. Alongside this, we share our recent ChildNet Film Competition entry with the school.
Watch our Online Safety Films
CYBER HEROS LINK – 2022 competition entry
If you want to become a digital leader......
Digital Leader application Form and Code of Conduct
Adobe Express competition - click here for more details